02 August 2011

first post

I created this blog so that people who want to (mostly my parents, I would imagine) will be able to keep track of my adventures in Ireland.

As of right now, I leave on 7 September 2011 from Denver to Dublin. Until after I leave there won't be much to post, unless I want to go on about the various things that I'll be doing to prepare for my journey, such as getting an international driver's permit (did that yesterday) or what have you.

I have not yet gotten my working holiday authorization from the Irish Consulate of San Francisco, but it was approved pending the submission of 1) proof of travel insurance and 2) return airline tickets. I mailed both a few weeks ago, but I sent them in the regular mail so I have no idea when I should expect them to return my passport with the visa in it. Soon, hopefully. I may call to check on the progress if I don't get them in the first week of August.

Till then I will continue to work for Cuisine on the Scene here in the Springs and be generally lazy and goodfernuthin. Watch a lot of TV, make some art maybe, write if the mood hits.

Oh, and mama got me a camera for my birthday, so I should get some good pictures. I think I have to sign up for something extra to be able to post them on blogger, tho.


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your travels! And I post pictures in my blog, and haven't had to pay anything extra (yet:). It may depend on how many and what size they are.

  2. oh, yeah! you use blogger, too. lemme know how to set that picture stuff up, yeah?

  3. Yeah, I post pictures on mine, too. There's a button to add pictures on the post-writing page, and you just upload them from the computer. It takes a while, and you can't do a whole lot with them. But it does the trick.

    I'm so excited for you! Don't be afraid; you'll be fine. I backpacked alone through Europe for two weeks this summer, and it was one of the best things I've ever done. Good to hear from you!

    -- Sarah
